Faleceu Daffney Unger antiga estrela da WCW e TNA

Faleceu Shannon Spruill, mais conhecida pelos fãs de Wrestling como Daffney. Daffney tinha 46 anos. A sua morte foi revelada pela Shimmer Wrestling a pedido da sua família.
"We are very sad to have to announce the passing of Shannon Spruill aka Daffney Unger @screamqueendaff. We are posting this at the request of her family. Please respect their privacy at this trying time.
— SHIMMER Wrestling (@SHIMMERwomen) September 2, 2021
I will miss you my logical sister from another mister."
-Lexie Fyfe
A preocupação com o bem estar de Daffney começou na noite passada, depois de ela ter publicado um vídeo preocupante no Instagram ao vivo. Muitas pessoas ajudaram a espalhar a palavra para conseguir ajuda para a residência de Daffney o mais rápido possível.
If anyone has a way of reaching Daffney Unger, or knows her address, please help out. She’s in a bad personal place and is threatening to harm herself.
— Mick Foley (@RealMickFoley) September 2, 2021
My phone call went straight to voicemail.
No início desta manhã, o TMZ revelou que a polícia ainda não tinha conseguido entrar em contacto com a Daffney às 7h25 PST. Shimmer comunicou então a notícia da morte de Daffney esta tarde.
Se voce ou alguém que você conhece está a ter dificuldades, a ajuda está disponível através da National Suicide Prevention Lifeline em 1-800-273-8255.
I’m so very sorry to learn of Daffney’s passing. A terrible loss for her family, friends and wrestling. She was far ahead if her time in our business. #RIPDaffney
If you’re hurting and thinking of doing harm to yourself, please know that help is available.
800-273-8255 https://t.co/9AH20OjY50
— Mick Foley (@RealMickFoley) September 2, 2021
September is Suicide Prevention month. If you or someone you know is struggling, reach out. They are here for you 24/7/365 at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Please R/T it could save a life.
— Francine (@ECWDivaFrancine) September 2, 2021
Daffney esteve no World Championship Wrestling de 1999 a 2001. Ela sempre se juntou a Crowbar e David Flair. Daffney também foi campeã de Cruiserweight da WCW por uma vez. Ela também esteve na TNA de 2008 a 2011 e esteve em empresas como a SHINE e Shimmer.
RIP Shannon ♥️ @screamqueendaff
— Jessica McKay (@JessicaMcKay) September 2, 2021
Heartbreaking & devastating. Sending prayers to her family & loved ones
Devastating 💔
— Cassie Lee (@CassieLee) September 2, 2021
Rest In Peace Shannon 🙏💕 https://t.co/kiOeAgMYzY
Absolutely heartbroken. RIP to one of the sweetest, most genuine and most generous people I have ever met. pic.twitter.com/Prph3E5EW0
— Nicole Matthews (@nmatthewsninja) September 2, 2021
I have never said this before:
— Cezar Bononi (@CezarBononi_) September 2, 2021
My dad commited suicide many years ago, mental health is no joke.
Open up about your feelings, reach for help.
Help those who seek for help, make 'em look for professional help.
May God comfort Daffney loved ones in this moment.
AEW joins the wrestling world in mourning the passing of Shannon Spruill. Our thoughts are with her family, her friends and her fans. pic.twitter.com/mVJ1JyNgqe
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) September 2, 2021