The Rock, Steve Austin, Seth Rollins comentam sobre a contratação de Kevin Steen pela WWE

Várias estrelas do wrestling deram os parabéns a Kevin Steen pela sua entrada na WWE:

Seth Rollins: "The @WWENetwork goes global AND @FightSteenFight on the same day?? Times are certainly a changin'. #weretakingover #buyin"

Lance Storm: "Congratulations @FightSteenFight very happy for you."

Prince Devitt: "Delighted to welcome @FightSteenFight to @WWE @WWENXT #BestForBusiness"

The Rock: "@FightSteenFight Welcome to the club homeboy. Very happy for you and your family. #MoveTheCrowd #HaveFun #WellPlacedSunsetFlips"

Steve Austin: "Two C words for @FightSteenFight... Congratulations and Cardio. Good luck, kid. #NXT #WWE @WWE"

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