
Mark Henry actualiza a sua situação e WWE fala do IC Christian

Mark Henry que se encontra a recuperar de uma cirurgia disse que nunca se sentiu tão saudável em 5 anos. Henry disse: "I'm the healthiest I've been in 5 years. U haters go to hell to the fans I'm healing great the Hall of Pain! LIVES!!"....

O WWE.com publicou um artigo sobre o reinado do Christian como campeão Intercontinental. O artigo diz o seguinte:

"Yes, the keeper of the Peeps certainly bears the qualifications to bring prestige back to the Intercontinental Title and WWE fans have quickly embraced their new champion – but at what cost? Considering a history of jealousy and other nefarious traits, what might Captain Charisma do to stay on top after injuries and setbacks kept him from it for so long?

For now, the WWE Universe can merely trust that this Christian really is for the Peeps. And, if the signature smile proves to be a signal of another con job during his current title run, all we can do is simply grin and bear it."
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