
JBL responde às críticas do comentário que fez no RAW sobre o Zombie Eddie Guerrero

Muitos fãs da WWE fizeram uso das redes sociais para criticarem JBL que durante o combate entre Ryback e Luke Harper no RAW mencionou durante um spot na top rope que Harper parecia um zombie Eddie Guerrero. Mais tarde, JBL defendeu-se dessas críticas:

"The spot with Luke Harper I saw some Twitter comments over. I had just mentioned Walking Dead show and Luke does the 'Eddie' spot over the top rope, my comment (since I had mentioned Rick Grimes before toward Luke) was 'it looks like a zombie Eddie Guerrero'. This was a WALKING DEAD reference toward Luke-who I have said before looks like a 'walker'.

I would NEVER insult my friend Eddie, for those who took it wrong-sorry about that, but it is what it is."
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