Chyna responde aos fãs sobre o Hall of Fame
Antiga Diva da WWE Chyna foi um topic trend no twitter depois da entrevista de Triple H a Steve Austin e onde se falou sobre a sua possível entrada no Hall of Fame. Chyna fez uso da rede social para responder aos fãs:
Wow. I just put my Twitter on and I have all of these messages. Never been a trending topic before.
— Chyna (@ChynatheIcon) February 3, 2015
I understand that the question was asked why am I not in the HOF? I have my reason as to why however, let me make this clear.
— Chyna (@ChynatheIcon) February 3, 2015
If the WWE was ever to say that I was going to be inducted, either as part of the groundbreaking DX or as an individual
— Chyna (@ChynatheIcon) February 3, 2015
Well, my answer would be what a friend of mine us to say in the ring, O HELL YEAH!
— Chyna (@ChynatheIcon) February 3, 2015
It just want to take a minute and thank all of the fans that keep my name out there. You have no idea what it means to me. I love you all.
— Chyna (@ChynatheIcon) February 3, 2015
@Reynolds_Gage_ I have contacted the WWE several times over the years. They have not responded back
— Chyna (@ChynatheIcon) February 3, 2015