
O Yahoo Sports entrevistou Stephanie McMahon. Eis os highlights:

YS: Your on-camera persona is so vastly different from the Stephanie McMahon in real life. Do you ever struggle with turning the switch on when the cameras are rolling?

SM: I just like to have fun. Being able to play the bad guy as my character is on TV as a member of The Authority and being probably one of the ultimate villains on the show. I love to play the bad guy. It’s just so much fun. And yes, it is a dramatic contrast to who I am in real life, but I like to have a lot of fun in real life too. Maybe it’s my alter ego coming out, I’m not sure, but I certainly do like to embrace the dark side on camera.

YS: We’ve seen professional leagues crack down on players accused of domestic abuse the last couple of months. What’s the WWE’s policy on domestic abuse and has the company addressed the superstars on this topic?

SM: We have a zero tolerance policy for domestic abuse. Upon arrest for such misconduct, our superstars are immediately suspended and should there be a conviction, that superstar or diva would be terminated.

YS: What’s the strategy behind the WWE Network rolling out video advertisements and what should subscribers expect in the coming months in terms of new content?

SM: The strategy is obviously a business decision to have limited advertising on the WWE Network. We want subscribers to know that there won’t be commercial breaks during scheduled programming, so your shows won’t be interrupted. It’s going to be very limited advertising in between the shows themselves. There will also be the occasional advertising before our video on demand content, but not before every video.

We are going to be rolling out more video on demand content from our library and we are excited for that. New shows, new programming, we have the announcements rolling out.

YS: We saw a shift in the wrestling industry when the No. 2 promotion, WCW, went out of business in 2001. Thirteen years later, the fate of another No. 2 promotion in TNA appears to be in limbo. Are you of the belief that a healthy competitor is good for the WWE’s bottom line?

SM: I think competition is always healthy, but what we look at as competition is everything out there —all entertainment and sports programming because we really are such a unique hybrid — there’s nothing like us in the world. Monday Night Football is a competitor to Monday Night Raw. Yes, I think competition is incredibly healthy, no matter where it comes from.

YS: Is there any truth to the report that the wrestlers on Totals Divas aren’t allowed to win the Divas championship?

SM: Absolutely not. I honestly don’t even know how that rumor got started.

YS: Last I checked, one of the talents addressed it, so I wanted to check with you.

SM: There is no policy. I think it would be awesome to have one of the Total Divas as our champion. I think it would drive interest in the storyline. I would never say never
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