Mãe de The Rock e Diva do NXT são atingidas por condutor embriagado em acidente violento

A Diva do NXT Lina Fanene e a mãe de The Rock, Ata Johnson foram atingidas ontem por um condutor embriagado e sobreviveram ao acidente. The Rock disse:

"My mom & cousin @linafanene were struck head on by a drunk driver this week - they lived. First reaction is to find the person who did this and do unrelenting harm to them. But then you realize the most important thing is my family lived thru this and we can hug each other that much tighter these days. Hug your own family tighter today and be grateful you can tell them you love them. #BearHugsAndGratitude #100PercentPreventable #ChoicesMatter."

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