
Vince Russo quer fazer as pazes com Jim Cornette e restaurante faz proposta

O restaurante de fast food Wendy`s fez uma proposta para se fazer as pazes entre Vince Russo e Jim Cornette com um "Baconator on a Pole Match." Eis a troca de palavras que aconteceu no twitter:

Russo: "I'd love to have peace with Jim Cornette. But, I can't do that alone. Maybe one day he will open up."

Cornette: "Please keep your "fans" at the kid's table, they're bleeding over into my adults' conversation--"

Russo: "Speaking of adult conversations. Why don't we have one so we can end this foolishness. Life is too short, Jim."

Cornette: "Some people's are not short enough--"

Russo fan: "Irony here is Jim is eating a @Wendys triple with cheese while he typed that."

Wendy's: "We could settle this with a Baconator on a pole match. ;)"

Cornette: "I might do it for Wendy, but she changed her meat!"
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