
Drew McIntyre diz que regresso à WWE é só uma questão de tempo

Drew McIntyre deu uma entrevista ao UK Daily Record e falou sobre o seu despedimento da WWE:

“I guess I was annoyed, now I’m just fired up. I have an opportunity to be the biggest wrestler outside of the WWE and I won’t be happy unless I’m a big brand. It’s not a case of if I’ll be back with the WWE, it’s a case of when. It was a shock because I was already booked to continue performing on TV and touring all over the world."

Quesitonado se os problemas com a sua ex-mulher Taryn Terrell o afectaram junto da WWE, Drew respondeu: "There are always behind-the-scenes politics in any job. I pride myself on being a nice guy and hope the things that have been blown way out of proportion didn’t hurt me and my career. A lot of what you hear and see on the internet is nonsense. A lot of people are really vocal about my talent – and that’s what’s most important."
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