
Booker T fala sobre a nova stable de Kofi Kingston

Booker T deu uma entrevista ao The Huffington Post. Eis os highlights:

What's your view on this latest WWE faction (Kofi Kingston, Big E and Xavier Woods)?

You know, I got mixed feelings about it. They're forming this faction but I'm not sure exactly where it's going, especially with Kofi Kingston being part of it. Kofi has always been the ultimate babyface, the ultimate good guy and now I'm going to see Kofi with a dark hat on. I don't want to see that right there out of Kofi Kingston. So as far as exactly where it's going to go, I don't know. We're going to find out in the coming months, we're going to see if a couple more guys join that faction as well. So we'll see in the future.

Xavier Woods came from NXT and Kenta has just joined but who do you think we ought to be looking out for?

You've definitely got to be looking out for Adrian Neville. He's going to be a big star as soon as they release him to the main WWE roster. I heard they've also signed Prince Devitt and man, he's awesome. I've watched him working. In fact, I actually watched he and Adrian Neville work together in a match from 2009 and I thought it was the best match that I had ever seen before in professional wrestling. I give those guys great props for knowing how to go out there and keep a storyline, to work the psychology and not let the fans work them but rather to work the fans throughout the gig. So I'm looking forward to those guys coming up and making a huge, huge splash in the WWE real soon.

As one half of Book-Dust what do you think of Cody Rhodes becoming Stardust and working with Goldust in the Dust Brothers tag team?

I expected Cody Rhodes to be one of those guys who was going to go straight to the top in this business, given the chance. I thought by this time he would be at least a two-time world champion. But it hasn't happened for him and now he's formed the team with Goldust - well let's see exactly where it goes. Of course he's got the right person on his team. Goldust and I went on to become tag team champions so if anybody can lead Cody to the Promised Land it's going to be his brother. So far as stepping up and doing something different is concerned - I can't look down on Cody for that because looking back at Booker T's career, he was GI Bro! and he became 6 time world champion, so never judge a book by its cover!

Brock Lesnar is back in the WWE, is criticism of part-time superstars valid?

I look at guys like Brock Lesnar, guys like the Rock, like RVD and Chris Jericho who make their return briefly and then go off again, I look at those guys and think they are still willing to go out and help the product first and foremost. I tell the young guys on the roster that when they start selling tickets, selling out Pay-Per-Views and bringing up merchandise revenue, then they can start talking. Until then they should just shut up and enjoy the ride. That's the way I look at guys like Brock Lesnar coming back. He's a major big time superstar. A guy who's done it in the WWE, who's gone to MMA and done it and now he's back again trying to complete the trifecta. So I give guys like Brock Lesnar big, big props for still wanting to be around and do this and bring revenue into the business. When the young guys start selling tickets and creating a buzz for PPVs then we won't have to bring back guys like the Rock. Until then, just keep quiet and enjoy the ride.
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