
Daniel Puder diz que Kurt Angle teve medo de lutar contra ele

O antigo lutador da WWE e de MMA Daniel Puder deu uma entrevista ao IYH Wrestling e falou do desfio que lançou a Kurt Angle. Eis os highlights:

On whether the name "Million Dollar Tough Enough" was misleading: "You know, the name wasn't misleading, it was the actions upon some individuals that misled the people…If you tell somebody like myself (which I knew in the contract was the contract) but if you tell the general public that this is a big competition to get ratings and then you lie to the public because you offered that athlete, which was me, instead of a quarter million dollars a year four-year deal (actually guaranteed one year) you offer fifty thousand dollars for the second year, you're basically backing out of your commitment to the fan base and the public. Personally, I knew what was going on, but if you want to lie to people that's their decision."

On whether Kurt Angle will ever do MMA or go back to the Olympics: "No, he wouldn't have a good shot whatsoever. Number one he wouldn't be able to pass a drug test, number two he's an old man now, and number three I went to Dana (White) and we tried to put it together and Kurt chickened out. So at the end of the day, I've always said this, Kurt's that guy that he's the All-American. He drank his milk, ate his Wheaties, and married the girl next door, but the problem is was he married a girl and he lived next to a strip club and that's how it works. He went down the tubes because he started doing other things and getting off-track with his life, and being a horrible role model for kids because he's doing a bunch of drugs and trying to serve himself and his ego."
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