
Antigo criativo da WWE diz que as promos de Bray Wyatt estão a melhorar

O antigo criativo da WWE Andrew Goldstein deu uma entrevista ao More Like Radio. Eis os highlights:...

On Bray Wyatt's promos: "My big frustration in the beginning was Bray Wyatt was saying a lot of things but none of it mattered. None of it made sense. None of it meant anything. He put Kane on the shelf and no one really cared because they never explained why. We weren't getting the why to the Wyatt Family. We were just getting these bizarre promos and bizarre sort of black out moments. We just weren't getting a reason why they were terrorizing who they were terrorizing and now finally their promos are starting to make sense now because they're sort of raging against this 10 year fan favorite John Cena establishment. They're making themselves anti-establishment in their own way."

On if "comedian Cena" hurts the Bray Wyatt build: "In general i think that Cena shtick is so damaging to most storylines he's in. I like that last week, that go home week to the PPV where they make Cena be serious. I thought the build to both Rock matches were really frustrating to see them both take it in a joking manner as opposed to serious. My big critique of the Cena/Rock build in those promos were like that's just not how men talk to each other when they have a personal conflict. It was all jokes, quippy one liners and pop culture references when they could have gotten a really intense personal conflict story out there. In terms of Cena with Bray, i don't think we needed the jokes but it didn't affect me as much this time because we haven't anybody approach Bray Wyatt like that yet. It was kinda cool to have Cena verbalize what a lot people sitting at home watching are sort of joking about with Bray Wyatt. I don't think it hurt the story because he came out last week and was more serious in tone."

On adding Triple H to the Triple Threat and "trolling" Internet Fans: "Super smart move. Especially if Triple H actually wins which i don't think is going to happen but lets just play out that scenario. Let's say Triple H beats Daniel Bryan. It's the most epic trolling of wrestling nerds of all time. They would be dangling a carrot in front of every smart wrestling fan and pulling it away. I would like it just for that reason. The other thing, playing that scenario out. Triple H wins, he gets put in the match. How cool is the 3 guys from Evolution in one match? As triple threats go, i wouldn't mind seeing that match."
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