
Jim Ross responde a várias questões sobre a WWE

O WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross respondeu a algumas questões no seu blog. Eis os highlights:.....

Orton has now lost to Daniel Bryan and Kofi Kingston in "non title" matches. I am confused as to why i should be taking him as champion seriously. It's an old school philosophy. The champion losing non title bouts gives the impression that the title holder is vulnerable and ripe for the pickings.

Hey J.R., have you ever thought of a Daniel Bryan vs Kurt Angle match ? I feel if they are given 25 - 30 minutes they can deliver an all time classic. Your thoughts ? If both were healthy and the match was creatively presented as it should, there is no doubt that those two wouldn't have a great performance.

How do you think WWE should handle the RAW in Chicago? I mean they refuse to handle the fans now so what are they going to do when 15,000 fans are screaming for CM Punk? The show must go on and hopefully it will have enough good content to help some fans move on so as to not to negatively disrupt the broadcast to an unwatchable degree.

Hey JR,what do you think is the reason for all The Batista hate? I'd guess it was merely the fall out of the Daniel Bryan situation and not directed directly at Batista.

Christian - Elimination Chamber - why? One more match? One too many. I respectfully disagree.

CM Punk situation: "This whole locker room has a different feel to it, and a different -- they're not as edgy as the Attitude Era locker room. They're not as competitive. I don't know that they're as hungry. But now, CM Punk is different. [Compared with] today's corporate wrestler, CM Punk is a little bit of a rogue. And I don't mean that in a negative way."

"Over the last two of three years, he's been my favorite WWE performer to watch in the ring, without question. He would've been a huge star in the Attitude Era, without question. Here's the deal: He's a very cerebral guy, who has an old-school spirit, that really cares about every aspect of the business. I think that he needed time off, ample time off, to recharge his batteries. I think he has, for lack of a better term, a major case of burnout. And I think the problem should have been recognized and addressed much earlier than letting it get to a head and him being so frustrated and such a sense of hopelessness that he decided to go home. Walking away from a problem is never a solution. Never. Solve the problem."
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