
Lutador despedido da TNA elogia Dixie Carter

Jay Bradley que esta semana foi despedido da TNA esteve presente no Between the Ropes e disse que Dixie Carter estava a ser um bode expiratório para a comunidade de wrestling online. Bradley disse:..

"Unfortunately, I think she has become the Internet Wrestling Communities scapegoat for anything that goes wrong. How that happened, I really don't know. As far as the internet wrestling fans that are diehard in general, they are some of the most passionate people out there next to like fantasy football guys and NASCAR fans. The unfortunate thing is you do something positive, they'll give you an inch of praise. You do something slightly negative they don't like, their going to give you a mile of hate. Sometimes I don't want to say less is more, but they always can't sit back and enjoy a lot of times, they are hypercritical about things. I do think she (Carter) gets a bad rap."
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