
Ryback quer terminar streak de Undertaker e depois derrotar Goldberg

Em entrevista ao TribLIVE, Ryback afirmou que era bom para ele a comparação que se tem feito com Goldberg.

"For me, I grew up watching the guy. He came in an era and dominated. I still remember to this day being in high school and him taking on Hogan. It was during my summer baseball tournament in Mesa, Ariz. All the guys went out and I stayed back. ‘Ah, I gotta stay back because I got stuff to do.' I stayed in my hotel room to watch Nitro and watched Goldberg take on Hogan when he defeated him for the world heavyweight championship in Atlanta. The reaction that man got out of all those people, it takes a special person to do that," said Ryback.

"I'd love to take on Bill Goldberg. I think it's a match that's going to make me a lot of money. It's going to make him a lot of money. It's a match the WWE Universe want to see. I said recently that if people keep chanting his name at me, they're going to make me a ton of money. WWE's going to want to bring in Bill Goldberg to face Ryback."

Apesar de estar interessado em enfrentar Goldberg, o combate dos sonhos de Ryback é contra Undertaker e terminar a sua streak:

"No, one of my main goals is ending The Undertaker's WrestleMania streak. It's something everyone has their opinion on. Some people say it's something that should never end. I say why not? I say I'm good enough to end it, and I'm very confident in myself. I know there are a lot of people that will say otherwise, but I could care less what they say. I'm the one who wakes up every day and knows how hard I've worked for this. It's something, if I don't believe I can do it, nobody else is going to believe it," said the former Skip Sheffield.

"I talked to him (The Undertaker) last year at WrestleMania. He made a comment to me. We were down by the ring somewhere and he said ‘I hear you're doing some interviews and saying you want The Undertaker.' I said ‘You're damn right I do.' That's all it was. Whether it happens this year or the year after, I don't know.

"Whatever the WWE asks of me, I will do because they are my employer. I give them everything I have because I have a love and passion for this and there is no ego involved. The Undertaker is definitely another one for WrestleMania. There is no bigger for me. The streak has become its own attraction. If that's a possibility, I'm there."
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