
Magnus renova contrato com a TNA

O Fighting Spirit Magazine confirmou Nick "Magnus" Aldis renovou contrato com a TNA. Eis o artigo de Magnus na revista britânica:.....

"I'm very happy to confirm that I have signed a new two-year deal, on improved terms. It came down to the wire between TNA, myself, and my agent, but ultimately we came to a mutually beneficial agreement," Aldis said in a statement to FSM.

"I'm really excited about the new structure and more streamlined team. It's important to know that while some people may be moving on, TNA is focusing on their priority guys. Simply - earn your spot, and be rewarded. I can only speak for myself, but my career has steadily progressed financially throughout my entire time with the company."

Indeed, TNA has recently been criticised for, under various circumstances, allowing the likes of Bruce Prichard, DOC, Tara, Doug Williams and Jesse Sorensen to depart the organisation. FSM is also aware of at least one high-profile TNA contract offer that has been verbally dismissed by the employee in question.

On the bright side, FSM can confirm that top talents Samoa Joe and Bobby Roode have also signed new deals with TNA, adding credence to Aldis' suggestion that recent roster and behind the scenes changes are more of a case of streamlining of talent rather than dropping contracts out of financial necessity.
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