
Awesome Kong fala em detalhe da sua passagem na TNA e dos problemas que enfrentou e da glória que conquistou

Awesome Kong deu uma entrevista ao Kayfabe Commentaries e fala da sua carreira na TNA. Eis os highlights:.....

First impressions of TNA: Kong's initial impression of TNA was of how different and interesting it was. She named the X-Division and the prospect of a new women’s division the most interesting to her.

Dixie Carter: When talking about Dixie Carter, she mentions that she puts on different faces for different people. Kong questioned whether the face Dixie put on for some of the workers was genuine or not. She would hear from very reliable sources that during production meetings Dixie would say things like “Well, let them stay home and starve."

Payment issues: TNA stiffed her on payday, and also mentioned that TNA were very sexist with pay. She says that even though the females were amongst the highest rated segments on most shows, some jobbers got paid more simply because of their gender.

When she realised the Knockouts division was ruined: She labelled this as the time in which Hogan arriving. Not specifically because of Hogan coming in, but how it coincided with that – the moment in which all the changes started to happen. “I see everybody’s wives in here, rolling up in an escort vehicle, and my putt-putt is around the corner waay down the street…and you talking about you can’t pay me more money?”

How she got her name: The “Amazing Kong” name was an accident. They advertised a match between Aja Kong vs someone else, and when Aja couldn’t make the booking Kong filled in. She was given the Kong name so that they weren't delivering false promises. They named her and advertised the match before telling Kong herself, so when she walked into the LA dojo and someone referred to her as Kong, she first thought it was a racist joke before it was cleared up.

Her character in TNA: When asked about her character in TNA not speaking, she said that if you have the talent to portray emotion or a message through your face, then speaking may not be necessary. Something which she believes has mastered that craft whilst wrestling in Japan. She also mentioned that when she started speaking briefly in TNA, she felt very uncomfortable and was out of her comfort zone. Her voice doesn’t match her monster persona, so when she was asked to speak management asked her to deepen her voice.

Drugs, and drug testing in TNA: She admits that she has taken fat burners, and she has also smoked pot before, but not whilst employed by the WWE. She has also seen doctors for weight loss pills. When TNA conducted a basic drug test, she said that was the only type of drug test they ever conducted. They never initiated another drug test in the company again.

Who she liked and disliked in TNA: Kong then spoke about who she was close with in TNA, and others who she didn't like.

Regarding the females, she mentions the likes of Roxxi, Velvet Sky, Taylor Wilde, Jackie Moore, Daffney, Gail Kim, Christy Hemme, Karen Angle, and Cheerleader Melissa, who were all "cool chicks". Whilst Madison Rayne, Lacey Von Erich, Traci Brooks, Becky Bayless, and Rhaka Khan were all "ho bags". Rhaka in particular still owes money Kong's aunt money for babysitting her child.

The likes of Taz, Mr. Anderson, Homicide, Kurt Angle, Kip James, Mike Tenay, Terry Taylor, D'Lo Brown, and Rob Terry were all close friends. Whilst Jeff Jarrett, Bully Ray, Scott Steiner, and Samoa Joe are all dicks.

Dutch Mantell’s influence on her character: Dutch Mantell was the one who handled her character until he parted ways with the company, and once he left the Knockout division just went to shit. She mentions that after his departure, no one was really in charge of the Knockouts. This was further compounded when she once asked who was in charge of her, and no one in TNA could give her a clear answer.

Bubba The Lovesponge: They then talk about Bubba The Lovesponge and her problems with him. Kong says that she wanted to talk to him about his comments surrounding Haiti, and that they were not okay about the way he was conducting himself on set. Bubba threatened a young worker at Universal Studios when he invited several friends to watch Hogan’s first appearance in TNA. He put the worker's name out on the radio and made several comments about him that Kong perceived as him being a bully, and that she isn’t a fan of bullies.

She talks about the incident between him and her backstage, and how when she first saw Bubba that day, Hogan was with him and introduced him to her. Kong froze up as she didn’t want to say what she wanted to say to Bubba in front of Hogan, something which she was mad at herself for not saying anything. This led to Kong yelling at Bubba, looking to beat him up. He deflected the first punch before Kong continued to beat him up, Bubba then went into the fetal position. Vince Russo ended up having to pull the two apart.

Racism: Kong said she’s experienced racism in her career. One instance was in Japan where a fan got mouthy with her and offended her, before she beat him up. In Japan they have a rule where if someone crosses the line then you beat the shit out of them and continue on with what you are supposed to do, which revolves around respect. She was asked to identify racism in her past promotions, she said that she doesn’t want to mention any names since she may work at those places again.

Incident at a bar: The incident at the Anaheim hotel bar during her time in TNA was true. A drunk fan asked Kong for an autograph, and she said she would give the fan one once she was finished speaking with this important movie producer. In less then 30 seconds he was bugging her, so Kong’s boyfriend – now fiancé - asked the fan to be respectful, and the fan told him to fuck off. Kong then told the fan to be respectful of her boyfriend. The fan told her to fuck off and the rest was history.

Incident in Switzerland: During a trip to Switzerland with TNA, some guy was rude to Sharmell. Booker T was not there so Kong and some of the locals on the tour used a bucket as their personal toilet, they also put other things in it like vinegar. They then placed it above his door, so that when he would open his door, the contents of the bucket fell on him. Kong says she is not proud of this, that she was young and silly.

Zack the Stripper: She mentions that she had a personal stripper named Zack, and one time in TNA she told the X division guys that she had a stripper coming. So they kept calling her and came running down with dollars, only to see a male stripper.

Differences between wrestling in America and Japan: The interview then goes on to talk about her time wrestling in Japan. She says that after her five years overseas she had to leave because her body was just getting worn down from their style of wrestling. Every match was so intense, they all went about 20 to 30 minutes. Kong said that you could barely sell moves before needing to get back up to take yet another move. She mentioned how in America, everyone is lighter and some people take up time for the match by taunting.
One match in particular led to her becoming very winded and couldn’t get up to take the next move fast enough. So her veteran - who was helping train her - kicked her straight in the face, which resulted in a busted nose, and left her with a scar to send a message that she was too slow.
Her moves:

When asked about people refusing to take her moves, she said that wasn't an issue. But she was tricked into only using the Implant Buster for a few months to finish matches instead of the power bomb. She says she loves giving the Awesome Bomb to Nikki Roxx the most, since she knows how to bump and doesn’t complain about taking it. Several people have taken issue with the Awesome Bomb, which Kong thought was funny since it’s a bump that is highly dependent on their ability to tuck.

Gail Kim: Kong was asked whether any girls in the WWE or TNA were in the game for the love of wrestling as opposed to a pay day, in which she mentioned Gail Kim in particular. Kong said that Gail is married to a millionaire and could never work again and live pleasantly, but she steps inside the ring every week because she just loves wrestling.

Earl Hebner: The biggest drunk in the locker room was Earl Hebner, who is one of her favorite people in the world. No one could keep up with him.

Jackie Moore: When Kong first got to TNA she was afraid that Jackie Moore was going to be a bitch to her, but when they met Jackie was so nice and really looked out for her.

BFG wardrobe malfunction: She spoke about her Bound For Glory wardrobe malfunction, apparently that day people asked if she was going to wear a bra, and she said no since she was only in the match for a short while and the outfit had a built in bra. As it happens, the malfunction happened when she got eliminated, because her wardrobe got caught in between two females. She thought TNA replaying it was silly because she was supposed to be portrayed as this big monster.

Where she's at physically today: Finally, Kong said that she could barely do a number of things, but thanks to DDP Yoga she is able to compete in singles matches, and it helped her get more into shape.
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