Davey Boy Smith Jr. disponível para lutar na TNA

O actual lutador da New Japan Pro Wrestling Davey Boy Smith Jr. deu uma entrevista ao 101 Wrestling e onde disse que estaria aberto a lutar na TNA no futuro. Davey disse:.....

"I could maybe see myself doing some work with TNA in the future. I don’t think I’ll do anything with WWE, but I would definitely be open to do some stuff with TNA. There is a lot of great talent in TNA that I’ve never had the chance to work with and that I would be more interested in working with than WWE guys.

"I’m not knocking any WWE guys, I’m just saying I’ve never worked with guys like Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Magnus or AJ Styles. I think Bobby Roode is a great talent as well. It’s just more interesting because I’ve not worked with those guys before so TNA is a possibility but WWE I don’t think so."
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