
TNA contrata antigo membro de produção da WWE

A TNA anunciou ontem que contratou John "Big" Gaburick que havia deixado o mês passado a função que desempenha há muitos anos na WWE de Vice President of Television Production para agora assumir a mesma função na TNA. Eis ume certo da press release divulgada:....

"I’ve always admired Dixie Carter and TNA as a uniquely dynamic and growing organization,” said Gaburick. "This opportunity marks an exciting new challenge for me, and I am honored to join the team."

A presidente da TNA Dixie Carter também comentou a contratação ao dizer: "As TNA evolves, John’s award-winning creative vision and production expertise coupled with his sports and entertainment industry business savvy make him the perfect person to push us in new directions. He is a gifted and innovative storyteller, and we are thrilled to have him on board."

Gaburick irá substituir Kevin Sullivan que desempenhava a função desde 2005.

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