
Menounos fala da história com Bob Backlund & John Cena fala de combate contra The Rock

Maria Menounos comentou no facebook o facto de induzir Bob Backlund no Hall of Fame. Maria disse:....

"I know some of you don't understand why I'm inducting Bob Backlund into the WWE Hall of Fame. Here's a quick history... I met Bob when I was 19-he starred in my movie, he supported me when I competed at Miss Mass USA pageant and I helped him run for congress. He's a dear friend of 14 years and I'm honored to be a part of this historic moment in his career and with the WWE."

John Cena em entrevista ao USA Today comentou o facto de enfrentar The Rock na Wrestlemania 29, Cena disse:

"I'm handling things a little bit differently this year and that's going to make this year a little more special for me, win, lose or draw. I'm certainly as dedicated but I've proven myself. Last year I proved I could out-talk the Rock and out-perform the Rock, and he had a lucky string of circumstances. This year he won't be so lucky."
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