
Personalidades da WWE querem Paul Bearer no Hall of Fame 2013

Após as notícias do falecimento de Paul Bearer, vários círculos internos da WWE falam e pretendem que o lendário manager seja induzido a título póstumo no Hall of Fame da WWE na cerimónia deste ano....

Bearer abordou este assunto numa das últimas entrevistas dadas por ele e ao www.cyinterview.com em Janeiro. Bearer disse:

"I know that I will [be in the WWE Hall of Fame]. So that’s all I need to know. Whether it’s next year or whether it’s five years from now, I know the time’s coming. … I’ve been very, very blessed in professional wrestling because I’m just a Alabama kid, from the Alabama Gulf Coast that grew up watching local territory days wrestling. … I have been all around the world. I performed in all 50 states, 28 countries and I got a paycheck every week.”

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