
Comentários de personalidades do wrestling sobre segmento Cena/Rock

Alguns lutadores e nomes do wrestling mundial reagiram ao segmento que fechou o Monday Night Raw da noite anterior, especialmente com feedback positivo....

Jim Ross: "This is some damn good stuff. @TheRock & @JohnCena w/ ring full of legends. #WWE"

Mick Foley: "What an honor it was to share the ring with @TheRock @JohnCena and my fellow @WWE HOF'ers. We could FEEL their passion for this main event!"

JBL: "Incredible promo segment- @JohnCena and @TheRock are just awesome! @wwe Raw!"

Vickie Guerrero: "ExcuseMeWWE: Im honored to have an elite panel on #wwe.So much respect and knowledge standing together @the rock and @JohnCena @johncena listen well"

Goldust: "Big dust, say it like this. Rockkkkky , i thmelll what yo cookin if u wheeeeel. #RAW #legends #WM29 @TheRock vs @JohnCena"

Lance Storm: "While this is not an exciting segment, I sure like serious all business John Cena. This is working for me. #RAW" .. “@thehitman29: @LanceStorm Do you smell heel turn?” No just a serious turn"
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