
CM Punk lidera rating da ESPN

A ESPN actualizou o seu rating semanal sobre a WWE e CM Punk lidera o top10. Vejamos:.....

1. CM Punk
2. The Undertaker
3. Ryback
4. The Rock
5. Triple H
6. The Sheild
7. The Miz
8. John Cena
9. Mark Henry
10. Alberto Del Rio

O artigo especula ainda se CM Punk vs. The Undertaker será o main-event da Wrestlemania ao dizer:

"That’s a notion that would’ve seemed ludicrous a few months ago, especially considering the popularity of The Rock. But after seeing the boring exchange between Rock and Cena on Monday night (other than Rock’s great line about Lance Armstrong), I think, once again, you have to go back and credit Punk for creating the fire and intensity behind the Punk/Rock feud and giving the fans something to care about heading into the two title matches."
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