
Bruno Sammartino fala de uma presença no Monday Night Raw

Raj Giri do WrestlingINC.entrevistou o futuro Hall of Famer da WWE Bruno Sammartino e durante a entrevista, Bruno falou de uma participação no Monday Night RAW e este disse:...

"When we agreed to this, I agreed to do the Hall of Fame, the next night is WrestleMania, then the very next night after that is Monday Night RAW," said Sammartino. "They [WWE] asked for me to go to all three of those, and I said, 'sure, I'm going to be there anyway, why not?' So I did agree."

"I think it's just an appearance, but I don't think it's anything special, at least not that I know of unless they inform me of exactly what they want and expect," said Bruno. "But as of now, I just know that I'm going to be making an appearance there, that's all I know."
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