
WWE responde a acusação de que Zeb Colter é uma paródia ao Tea Party

A WWE negou que a personagem Zeb Colter seja uma tentativa de ridiculizar o movimento norte-americano Tea Party......

A acusação mais reencete foi de Alex Jones que disse ao Fox News, "Don't Tread on Me" was on Colter's podium last night on Raw (and apparently neglecting to remember that the slogan precedes the Tea Party by a couple centuries as a revolutionary and patriotic motto).

A WWE não perdeu tempo e lançou o seguinte comunicado:

"WWE has a long history of creating fictional characters that serve as either protagonists or antagonists, no different than other television shows or feature films. To create compelling and relevant content for our audience, it is important to incorporate current events into our storylines. WWE is creating drama centered on a topical subject that has varying points of view to develop a rivalry between two characters. This storyline in no way represents WWE's political point of view. One should not confuse WWE's storytelling with what WWE stands for, similar to other entertainment companies such as Warner Bros., Universal Studios or Viacom."
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