
Lesão força JBL abortar nova escalda. Irá trabalhar no Royal Rumble?

JBL anunciou no facebook que uma lesão muscular o obrigou a adiar a sua próxima escaldada que aconteceria entre Janeiro e Fevereiro. Esta lesão permitirá que JBL comente o PPV Royal Rumble. JBL disse:....

"Good news for WWE (at least I hope so), was scheduled to go to South America January 11th to attempt to climb the highest mountain outside of Asia, Aconcagua, located in Argentina. I would have missed Royal Rumble.

However, been training like crazy to get ready to climb a mountain nicknamed Mt Death. Unfortunately, I have pulled a muscle in my shin due to overtraining and no possible way I could climb to almost 23,000 feet in less than a month. So, I am postponing till February 24th-thanks in a HUGE way to Mountain Madness, best mountaineering group in the world, that helped me get on a different climb.

So, I will not miss any PPVs and will be back in time for Mania-unless of course I die up there:)

I can walk fine, with pain, but can't push off with my right foot. So I now have 10 1/2 weeks till I climb. Excited my locker mate in college (I was number 71 and he number 72, so we were beside each other in locker room for 4 years) is going with me-really cool.

I'm looking forward to climbing again as I keep preparing for Mt Everest and raising money for great kids I get the opportunity to work with in Bermuda."
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