
AJ Styles diz que nunca abrandará o seu estilo de wrestling

Durante uma entrevista ao The Sun para promover a tour da TNA em Inglaterra, AJ Styles afirmou que nunca alterará o seu estilo de wrestling. Styles afirmou:....

“You know I feel you pick your time and place... and I do that. I pick my spots and use them wisely," . “I'll not tone it down until I stop wrestling."

Styles falou ainda da sua autobiografia a ser lançada na próximo ano. Styles disse: “I do have a book in progress. It is early days so far," said Styles. “What I hope to do is tell the story of my early life and bring it right up to my wrestling career. I will include some behind the scenes stuff and while my faith will be included, there will be wrestling stuff there for the fans, too."
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