
Ex-talento do NXT volta a destruir Bill DeMott no twitter e este promete porrada

Kevin Matthews voltou a publicar uma serie de mensagens a criticar o treinador do NXT Bill DeMott e onde principalmente fala do treino inapropriado que DeMott tem na escola da WWE. Eis os tweets de Matthews:....

Here is Matthews' latest exposé of DeMott, "Some1 said r there perks 2 training w DeMott? I overheard him& got excited til I realized he didnt mean pills. I got him fired. #DeMottcracy.

"1 day I saw Ice Train in the shower @ WCW the same time creative asked what I want my gimmick 2b. I said THATS A HUGE ERECTION. #DeMottcracy.

"Remember my run as WCW US Champion? The company went out of business shortly after my first title run. #DeMottcracy.

"One of my favorite sayings to the students is "do as I say not as I do" what it means is I'm the drizzling fn shit. TrueStory #DeMottcracy.

"My word is gold. WHEN @billdemott gets fired from WWE which should be soon he has a personal invite from me to do me vs him live at PWS.

"I love the WWE, I enjoy watching there show I enjoyed my matches w them and even like Johnny Ace. My hatred for DeMott has zero to do w WWE.

"Some ppl claim Im a great trainer,those ppl still have jobs w WWE. Its called politics.If they speak up,I make sure there fired #DeMottcracy.

"Buy my book its a great fairytale to read to your children before bed time. #DeMottcracy.

"I made Angel Williams do 40 up and overs till she snapped her Patella tendon in half and was out for 9months. TrueStory #DeMottcracy.

"WWE hired Khali solely 2 feud with Taker.they needed him 2learn how to work. I made him run miles. They were pissed. TrueStory #DeMottcracy.

"This just keeps getting better! NXT talent just texted me that Bill DeMott is asking talent NOT to report injuries 2the office. #DeMottcracy.

"Did the Tough Enough cameras stop rolling? I can't tell the difference. Torn ACL? Walk it off and get back in there. #DeMottcracy.

"Scott Dawson is nursing an injury he got training with me, under my watch doing my drill. Its completely his fault. #DeMottcracy.

"Anyone want to take a guess how long till I'm back in McDonough GA working for FedEx again? I say March. #DeMottcracy.

"I print out negative reports off the internet that blame me &hang them up in the lockerroom 4the boys 2c & then I yell at them. #DeMottcracy

"After Kevin Matthews tore his bicep & had sugery I asked him if he had a lot of pain killers. I needed my candy. TrueStory #DeMottcracy.

"How many more pills do I have to take till I drop dead already? #DeMottcracy.

"Ur right u obese cocksucker @billdemott in the end I will win. Because in the end u will b unemployeed, w no friends & no power JUST LIKE B4.

"Ur a washed up bitter pill popping drug addict bi polar cunt. Must feel good knowing the business will celebrate the day u die. @billdemott.

"Hey @billdemott remember when u tried to shoot on me twice & laid on me. Remember how easily I threw you off like hot garbage? Id love 2 cu.

"I have several NXT/FCW students who are leaking shit to me left n right. I will expose every wrong step this fat cunt @billdemott makes."

DeMott respondeu a Kevin Matthews ontem ao dizer, "Hey @2CockyKM didn't realize you are on Social Media. Glad to see things are going well for you, would like to catch up some time. Judging by your tweets you know where I am. Stop by sometime let's catch up, Happy Holidays.#DEMOTTCRACY."

Matthews respondeu "u want me to drop by and catch up @billdemott ? Just moved back to jersey. Were running 4/5 and 4/6 you'll be in town. Let's link up scumbag.

"U didnt no I was on twitter yet u have me blocked? @billdemott afraid Im the only 1 w balls big enough 2 say the truth bout u miserable cunt.

"@billdemott u want us 2 meet up. By all means come by our show mania wkend. Ill get u a comp ticket.Ill also bitch slap u through the floor

"Still the same old @billdemott glued to the internet like the fat scumbag mark he is.ur a shit trainer & a worse human being. #betteroffdead.

"Must be nice to no that YOUR students, guys I dont even know from a hole in the wall r hitting me up burying u. @billdemott goodjob asshole."
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