
Jim Ross e Michael Cole comentam regresso de Jerry Lawler ao RAW

Jim Ross e Michael Cole comentaram o regresso ontem de Jerry Lawler à mesa de comentários do RAW. Eis os comentários:...

Jim Ross: "Thought @MichaelCole had a super night. Helluva challenging job. Loved hearing him back w/ @JerryLawler. Gr8 work gentlemen. #sauceit @WWE"

"Gr8 crowd in Columbus 2nite. Thx for emotionally investing. It helps! I've really enjoyed working w/ @MichaelCole. Love @JerryLawler! #WWE"

Michael Cole: "Thank you #wweuniverse for a special night! So great to be working again with @JerryLawler! He hasn't missed a beat #LongLiveTheKing"
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