
Conhecido o novo adversário de Batista & Batista explica porque se mudou para as MMA

Já é conhecido o novo adversário de Batista para a sua estreia em MMA que acontece no próximo Sábado. O lutador em causa é o antigo lutador da IFL Vince Lucero cujo record é de 22-22.

Dave Bautista continua a promover a sua estreia no octógono e deu uma entrevista ao MMAJunkie.com e onde justifica a sua entrada no desporto. Bautista disse: 

"I know some people have a hard time understanding it. I’m obviously never going to make the money that I made in the WWE, and it’s not like I think I’m going to go become UFC champion,” said Bautista. "I just want the experience. I don’t have any ulterior motive. I just want to do it because I love it so much."

"For people like that, I don't think it would matter what I might say," Bautista said. "I'm doing this for personal reasons. People are going to support me or they're not. I was talking to 'King' Mo [Lawal] not long ago, since he's going into professional wrestling for the first time, and that's the first thing he told me was, don't listen to the haters, because they're going to hate no matter what."
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