
AW despedido!(Atualizado)

O site da WWE confirmou o despedimento de AW, que reagiu assim no twitter

“AWPromotions is no more ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for your support and hate, it’s been a great run. Now I get to do me which isn’t PG! 

I’ve offended the wrong people that taught me how to have ATTITUDE It was the #WWE that made me bold and now it has turned it’s back on me

Let this be a lesson to up and coming talent in the WWE don’t try and be great like the Rock or Stone Cold. WWE isn’t the same…

Just be normal shut up and be a yes man so you can collect your check and feel like your special. #SELLOUTS!!

I remember a time when the WWE didn’t care about breaking the mold but now everyone is so afraid of their own shadow. #RememberTheFans

Thanks to the fans who showed me support over the whole Kobe thing and to those I upset I apologize again. Remember It’s entertainment folks

I really do hope Linda wins that election because If not then all of this BS has been for nothing. #GoLinda!!

Thank you WWE for creating me and then killing me because I only portrayed what I grew up watching… The #WWE”

O principal motivo deverá ter sido a campanha eleitoral de Linda


Dave Meltzer diz que quanto mais AW falar, mais hipóteses ele tem de ser recontratado. O editor do WON, comentou no f4wonline

"The more he says, the better his chances of being brought back in a while.

"Vince has no respect for people he bullies and don't fight back.

"He hired Bischoff, Bret (spent ten years begging for him to comeback and even brought him back after Bret walked out on him the day of Mania), Sable, Billy Graham, yet never touched Heenan except for one shots. I doubt even he knows it but he's playing it smart in the long run."
A situação de AW pode ser ajudada pelo clima que se vive no backstage. Ao que parece, o despedimento de AW causou a maior insatisfação no balneário da WWE nos últimos tempos.

Entretano, o ex-manager continuou o ataque à companhia:

"If I smoked crack or did steroids I'd get suspended but I made a joke and tweeted support Linda and I get fired. #Doesn'tAddUp #Hmmmmm."
"They didn't do s--t to Randy Orton when he called Kelly Kelly a slut, you see the double standard? f--k politics. #AWForLife."
"Im a HUGE Cena fan, but Cena made fat jokes w/ King, genitalia jokes n homo jokes. Orton bashes K2, Vince mocks JR! #f--kUWWE"
"so stealing a car, having a yng girl trying to f--k 3 guys at once and not to mntion the Tensai thing is ok, but no jokes? #BS"
"So Vince can continually bash @JRsBBQ by teasing his ball palsy but yet your comments where deemed worse? Be a star my ass."
"VINCE MCMAHON CAN SAY THE "N" WORD ON NATIONAL T.V. BUT @AWPromotions CAN'T TELL A JOKE.............whats wrong with this picture???"
"You said one Kobe Bryant rape joke and you got fired. Isn't Mike Tyson a convicted rapist? Yet he is in the HoF. Hypocrisy."
"Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to my f--king non PG world!!! Where all bets are off and I tell it like it is. f--k the Bull s--t, I'm legit!"

AW acrescentou duas imagens aos comentários:

Aqui fica o vídeo onde Vince diz a N word em 2006:

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