Possível nome para o Hall of Fame 2013

Mick Foley disse que gostava de entrar no Hall of Fame já este ano. Foley também disse que gostava de ser introduzido por Jim Ross ou Terry Funk

Jim Ross já comentou, dizendo que seria uma honra, contudo, Terry Funk seria mais adequado, mas se lhe fosse pedido, ele aceitava na hora.

"I'd be honored if it happens." escreveu no Twitter

"@RealMickFoley when asked who would induct him if/when Mick goes into the WWE HOF mentioned Terry Funk and yours truly. While I would love to honor Mick on that special occasion, there is no way that I would ever put myself in the same category with Terry Funk. Terry mentored Mick and treated Mick like a son. While I'd love to induct Mrs. Foley's Baby Boy into the WWE HOF, I think that Terry Funk is the best choice. However, I stand ready if called upon." Escreveu no seu blog 

Fiquem com a entrevista:

Quando gostava de entrar no HoF: "I do hope it's this year. It would mean a lot to me honestly. One of the most telling moments of my relationship with WWE is when I got the phone call asking if I'd mind if they mentioned my book on their show when I was working with another company. When I heard the book being mentioned, every reservation I had or any semblance of bitterness vanished you know. I used to go around, not making a big deal out of [the WWE Hall of Fame]. Its like being in a relationship, if you give too much of yourself you risk being hurt. So if I said 'Oh of course I'd love to be in the Hall of Fame' I'd be letting them have that and make my career seem less important if I didn't get it."

Por quem gostaria de ser induzido: "I think who it would come down to is one of two people, Terry Funk or Jim Ross. It would hurt me to not have one of them there, because Terry, he was a mentor and wrestler. And J.R. put his reputation, possibly his job on the line to bring me in because Vince was not sold believe it or not on Mick Foley, he was not a Mick Foley fan when I came into the company and it took quite a while for him to become one."

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