
Vince McMahon no RAW da próxima semana e WWE especula que poderá despedir John Laurinaitis

Vince McMahon estará presente no RAW SuperShow da próxima semana. No show que será um especial de 3 horas Vince irá avaliar o trabalho que John Laurinaitis tem feito como GM do RAW. O WWE.com já começou a trabalhar essa presença de McMahon e num artigo especula que este poderá despedir Laurinaitis....

O artigo diz: "The last time Laurinaitis faced a performance evaluation in January, it looked like Triple H was going to "future endeavor" the GM before Undertaker interrupted the WWE COO's assessment. Then, "Mr. Excitement" survived another close call in February when he convinced the Board of Directors to spare his position as Raw GM.

Will things be any different this time around for Laurinaitis? Could Mr. McMahon be angling to preside over Raw once again?"
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