
CM Punk comenta casamento gay e acaba a pedir desculpa a um fã depois o mandar se matar

Aproveitando que o RAW aconteceu ontem na Carolina do Norte, CM Punk comentou um projecto de lei que será votado nesta semana no estado e que aborda o casamento gay, O WWE Champion disse no twitter que era contra a lei ao proferir as seguintes afirmações:....

"Amendment 1 is ridiculous. It's an invasion of people's rights. North Carolina, why do you care if somebody wants to marry who they love?"

"Same sex marriage should be legal. The fact that it's illegal is embarrassing."

"Divorce rate is at least 50% between men and women, so don't give me the values angle."

"Making same sex marriage illegal is the same as having segregated drinking fountains. Embarrassing. The human race is embarrassing. #evolve"

Um dos seguidores de Punk no twitter não concordou com ele e respondeu: "Man was meant for woman, and even the thought of homo's make me sick." Punk haveria de responder um curto e grosso: "Kill yourself"

Com certeza que tal afirmação não iria cair em saco roto e logo a noticia chegou ao jornal britânico, The Mirror que fez referência a CM Punk ser campeão da WWE e estar associado com a campanha anti-bullyng ‘be a STAR,'.

CM Punk não gostou que esta campanha fosse metida no barulho e disse: "hey moron, don't try to hide behind the be a star campaign. I am a star. I'm fighting bigots here. Zero tolerance."

O jornal diz que o comentário de CM Punk vai contra as piadas de cariz sexual que proferiu num show em Julho de 2011 na Austrália, como se pode ver no vídeo;

O certo é que no final da noite, CM Punk teve de pedir desculpa pelos comentários feitos e escreveu o seguinte:

"I was pretty worked up today. The amendment 1 situation had me all wound up. I stand by my thoughts on gay marriage 100%. How I defended that stance was 100% wrong. I admit it. You can't stoop to others levels. Sometimes I fight fire with fire and it isn't ways the best way," he said.

"To @ezeekay: I apologize. I don't want you to kill yourself. I want you to better yourself. Just as I want to better myself. "I'll start by being the better man and once again, apologize for my harsh reaction to your opinion of homosexuals making you "sick."

"Sorry y'all. If I let anybody down, I apologize. I'll make it up to ya and move forward with a better understanding of others feelings.#pma."
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