
Beth Phoenix lesiona-se e perde título feminino

Nikki Bella derrotou ontem Beth Phoenix num Lumberjill Match para se sagrar a nova campeã feminina, terminando assim um reinado de mais de 200 dias de Beth como campeã. Beth Phoenix terá se lesionado num tornozelo no decorrer do combate.

A WWE confirmou a lesão após o RAW com os médios a dizerem que a Glamazon irá ter de fazer uma ressonância magnética para avaliar a extenso da lesão. O médico disse:

"It looks like she affected her anterior talofibular ligament, which is the most common injured ankle ligament on an inversion injury," Dr. Michael Sampson told WWE.com. "She has some swelling, [and] she's having a hard time walking or ambulating on it. We’re going to need an MRI just to make sure there’s nothing else going on and see how we can treat it – if we need surgery or if we can do it conservatively."

Beth Phoenix comentou a situação ao dizer no twitter o seguinte:

"Thank you to everyone that helped me thru the airport this morning. Will keep every posted on MRI and xray results. Believe me...nothing hurts worse than my heart right now after the loss and even worse thought of missing competition. But i have been bere before, and if there is one thing Beth Phoenix knows how to do, it's rise from the ashes. The title will be mine again. #unbreakable."

Nikki Bella agradeceu aos seus fãs a conquista do título ao dizer no twitter: "Thank you #BellaArmy for your support! Hope I made you proud tonight! I'm DIVAS CHAMPION! Finally! Can't tell you how I feel right now!"
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