
Maryse critica a divisão de divas da WWE

Maryse Ouellet esteve presente no show Running The Ropes onde foi questionada sobre o quanto mudou a divisão de divas da WWE. Maryse respondeu:

"You know it's changed from what it was in 2007 when I had 12 minute Pay Per View matches now to 30 second (matches). It's hard to make a crowd relate to you when you can't talk on the microphone,you have only a minute in the ring and you have 10 divas in the ring at the same time so you can't build a character and you can't make people relate. It's impossible to get over. I just wish the girls were given more time to work because there is potential but there's no time. They need to give them something so they (WWE) can receive something and If they don't, they will never get anything."
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