
Brian Cage fala das suas lesões!

Brian Cage está completamente desanimado devido às suas lesões. 

Cage postou um texto no Instagram a comentar o seu "reinado de título inativo" e discutiu os problemas de lesão com os quais está a lidar desde que derrotou Johnny Impact no Rebellion, em abril, para vencer o título. 

"I know many might be upset with my inactive title reign. Trust me, no one is more disappointed than me. Right when I reach the top of the iceberg I'm dealt with nothing but set back after set back due to injury. Everytime I try to push through, I get another set back. This is not the champion I wanted to be. I wanted to be a fighting champion, not a once in a while attraction you'd see else where. And I've done everything possible to heal and recover, and in a timely manner. And that's why I'm in Colombia seeking the world's best stem cell therapy from @bioxcellerator_. I'm not gonna stop and to quote another machine, "I'll be back." #machine #machine2.0 #swolverine #impactwrestling #wolrdchamp #ageofcage #weaponx"
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