
Estrela da Stardom anuncia que vai para a WWE

Considerada a melhor lutadora da atualidade, a estrela da Stardom Io Shirai fez uma aparição durante um Live Event da WWE no Japão, onde anunciou que assinou contrato com a WWE e fará parte do NXT.

Io Shirai formally joins WWE! Women's pro-wrestler and former STARDOM's big star, Io Shirai (28), appeared in the ring at Ryōgoku Kokugikan in Tokyo during today's WWE Japan Live show to officially announce she will be joining WWE from this summer, starting in it's developmental brand NXT. Shirai addressed the home crowd, stating "I have kept you waiting, this summer I will join WWE. I will shine from this world stage ring. Please share this dream with me, everyone! Thank you & see you soon!" Shirai then got a big standing ovation from the fans in the building. Considered by many to be the best female wrestler in the world today, Shirai had recently left STARDOM following her last performance for the company at Korakuen Hall on June 17, to pursue an overseas career. #WWETokyo #WWELive #wwejapan #IoShirai #WWRStardom #champion #QueensQuest #WorldWonderRingStardom #GoddessesofStardom #STARDOM #joshipuroresu #PurpleLightning #MidnightAngel #womenofwrestling #NJPWworld #NJPW #newjapanprowrestling #IWGP #ROH #WWE #puroresu #Japan 🗾 #prowrestling #週刊プロレス #プロレス #女子プロレス #紫雷イオ #スターダム
Uma publicação compartilhada por Berry Meijer (@dartvader_one) em

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