
Emma recorda o ano de 2014 e o fala sobre os seus estudos

A Diva da WWE Emma publicou no seu website pessoal um artigo intitulado de “Bring on 2015” e falou sobre o seu ano de 2014. Emma disse: 

"If you would have asked me this time last year what 2014 would consist of, I probably would have said very few of the things that actually happened. Sure it wasn't all smooth sailing. But then again, what journey to follow your dreams is."

Emma falou ainda sobre os seus estudos na área de nutricionismo:

"Throughout the year, I studied for the I first time since leaving college to pursue wrestling. I realized that I didn't need to be so tunnel visioned and that improving my knowledge could help improve me. I am currently completing a nutritional therapist certification and have already become a certified master trainer, with my first aid! I'm so excited to learn more, to read and to improve my knowledge by simply communicating with those that I will cross paths with in the future."
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