
Daniel Bryan fala sobre o seu regresso aos ringues

Daniel Bryan deu uma entrevista ao The Miami Herald. Eis os highlights:

Getting cleared to return to WWE: “The day I announced I was coming back for the Royal Rumble is actually the day I got cleared to wrestle. I started healing in November, as far as thinking, ‘Wait a second. Things are starting to turn around for the better.’ It was that December episode of Raw I went on to say I was finally able to be cleared by WWE where they said, ‘You’re ready to go.’”

Not making a surprise return at the Royal Rumble: “Had I just come out during the Royal Rumble, I don’t know if it would be as impactful. To me it’s more impactful to give fans something to look forward to. If it happened at the Royal Rumble and that night, it would have been great. Though I like the idea of building toward something, so I’m happy with the way we’ve done it.”

His style being a recent topic of conversation with WWE officials: “They’ve told me, 'Hey, maybe you shouldn’t be doing the diving headbutt or this or that.' I have always marched to the beat of my own drum. We are all individual entities. Not to say I ignore their advice, but you also have to know your own body and where you’re at physically. Part of the thing about coming back is it’s a trial-and-error. If I started doing the top-rope dropkick and notice it jarred me, then it may be something I stay away from. I won’t know until I try. I’m not afraid to go out there and give it my all.”
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