Abyss fala da sua lealdade à TNA e se se arrepende de não ter assinado com a WWE

O lutador da TNA Abyss deu uma entrevista ao Ring Rust Radio. Eis os highlights:

TNA signing with Destination America: "The locker room was excited. We hadn't seen each other in a little while because we had a bit of time off, so everybody was super excited to get back to work and perform in the ring. It was fun to see the enthusiasm and the excitement as we embark on this new venture with Destination America. It’s not really that much of a difference as far as the atmosphere. It’s a different network and there are different expectations and different things that we want to accomplish, and I’m sure Destination America wants to accomplish, so we’re feeling each other out and understanding each other’s goals. From that standpoint it’s a little different, but other than that, it’s very much business as usual."

The evolution of the Abyss character: "I’m so proud of the evolution of the Abyss character throughout the years. Longevity in this business is not something that a lot of talents get the privilege to experience, and I’ve been able to do that. To see the character evolve like it has from its roots with Jim Mitchell to the different phases of the character: the insane asylum character to working with Hulk, and then you throw in some of the Joseph Park stuff, I’ve had a lot of support along the way. My relationship with Dixie goes all the way back to early 2003 and everything she has provided, the tools for me to be able to showcase myself on that platform. David Lagana and Matt Conway, the writing team, have been fantastic in coming up with new angles and new ways to present the character. It’s been a great team effort. I’m more proud of the fact that I’ve been with TNA since 2003 than any belt I’ve ever won or any accomplishment I’ve been able to do in the ring. Being a part of the Impact team for well over a decade is something that I’m extremely proud of."

His loyalty to TNA: "Being a part of TNA since the beginning is something that I’m extremely proud of. Not to say that other places aren’t good places to work – I’m sure they are – but for me, the decision to stay was due to the fact that I love TNA. I’m TNA through and through; I always will be and I’m proud of that. I did have opportunities to go to other places and I’m proud that I was afforded those opportunities, but the reason that I stayed was for loyalty. The company has treated me fantastic over the last decade-plus years that I’ve been there, from Dixie to everybody there. I’m happy there. I wanted to stay and be a part of something that I started with from the ground up. There’s no other place in the world I could have gone and said that, so that was the reason that I stayed and I have zero regrets. If I had to do it over again 100 times, I would do it 100 times."

Tommy Dreamer telling Steve Austin that WWE wanted to sign Abyss to face The Undertaker at WrestleMania 19. Does Abyss regret signing with TNA instead? I absolutely 1,000 percent would make the same decision again. I absolutely have no regrets whatsoever. Being a part of TNA since the beginning is something that I am extremely proud of. I'm not saying other places aren't great places to go work, but for me the decision to stay on that occasion and several others is that I love TNA. I am TNA through and through and I always will be. I did have opportunities to go other places and I am proud that I was afforded that opportunity. The reason I stayed was for loyalty and no other reason. Not stage fright as Tommy joked in that interview, it had completely to do with the fact the I love TNA through and through. The company has treated me fantastic over the decade plus years I have been there. From Dixie to everyone there I am really happy there. I wanted to stay there and help build the company, be a part of something that I was with since the ground up. There is nowhere else in the World I could go and say that. That was the reason that I stayed and I have zero regrets. If I was asked to do it over again a 100 times I would do it 100 times.
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