Transcrição da promo de Nikki Bella que foi editada no Smackdown
Como indicado, a promo que Nikki Bella fez no Smackdown para AJ Lee depois de ter derrotado Emma foi fortemente editada e cortada para cerca de um terço. Eis a transição completa da promo antes de ser editada:
"I'm not going to say trashy, classless things like Ms. Lee did because unlike Ms. Lee, I actually care about the kids that sit in this audience. It's time that everyone heard the real truth about AJ Lee. Yes, we heard over and over and over again your sob story. Yes, we have heard over and over about how hard you worked. But you wanna know what? I have worked harder. The biggest difference between you and me is that I don't have to go tell everyone so they like me. And most important, that is what makes me fearless.
"You wanna know why you don't have any friends? It's because you're so threatened by anyone who doesn't like you. AJ, I want you to take a good hard look at what a woman is, a real woman, a classy woman! I want you to take a look at what a real Divas champion looks like. AJ, I want you to know that forever, through these fearless eyes, you will always be that pathetic manipulating little girl from New Jersey."