
Rener Gracie fala sobre a possibilidade de CM Punk lutar MMA

O marido de Eve Torres, Rener Gracie que é treinador de jiu-jitsu de CM Punk comentou a possibilidade de CM Punk lutar MMA:

"Absolutely, without a doubt, if he wanted to apply himself to any skill, he would have to apply himself like he does to jiu-jitsu to the other arts as well to make sure he’s well-rounded. But this is something completely speculative that I know nothing about. For now it’s just jiu-jitsu 100 percent."

Questionado em específico sobre os treinos de jiu-jitsu Gracie disse:

"He’s showing up for two weeks at a time, training exclusively with me, 100 percent, then he’s out. Then he comes back six months later. So, there’s not been enough consistency to concern ourselves with belts. But man, he’s remarkable. He’s in the top tier of students that I’ve ever worked with as far as his retention ability goes -- his athleticism and his ability to train for long periods of time, because he’s very resilient and very athletic. I don’t know what he wants to do with it, where he wants to take it. I just enjoy the process and having students as dedicated as him."

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