
Estrelas da WWE respondem ao desafio de Vince McMahon

No podcast de Steve Austin, Vince McMahon lançou um desafio ao balneário da WWE para querer sempre mais. Eis o vídeo:

 Depois deste desafio várias foram as estrelas das WWE a responder ao desafio de Vince. Eis alguns comentários:

Seth Rollins: No better way to grab the brass ring then to take out the so-called last guy to do just that. #WWETLC #TablesMatch How's that for ambition

Zack Ryder: Whem my shoulder is healed and I come back, I'll grab that brass ring again...but nothing will stop me this time! 

Jack Swagger: "This is an environment where literally hundreds of thousands of people want to be on this roster, and there's what, 75 of us on top? To get here you have to be very ambitious but to stay here you
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