
Categorias de Slammy Awards reveladas pela WWE

Até ao momento a WWE tem as seguintes categorias de Slammy Awards anunciadas:

* Superstar of the Year

* Diva of the Year

* Match of the Year

* "This is Awesome" Moment of the Year

* LOL Moment of the Year

* Extreme Moment of the Year

* “Tell Me You Didn’t Just Say That” Insult of the Year (WWE.com Slammy Awards)

* Hashtag of the Year (WWE.com Slammy Awards)

* RAW Guest Star of the Year (WWE.com Slammy Awards)

* Tag Team of The Year (WWE.com Slammy Awards)

* Rivalry of the Year (WWE.com Slammy Awards)

* Tweet It! Best Twitter Handle or Social Champion (WWE.com Slammy Awards )
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