
Ryback responde aos comentários recentes de CM Punk e diz que irá dizer a verdade sobre Punk

Como indicado, CM Punk deu esta semana uma entrevista no podcast Art of Wrestling de Colt Cabana e onde afirmou que ter enfrentado Ryback na WWE lhe tirou vinte anos de vida e acusou Ryback de ser um lutador que usava esteróides.

Ontem, Ryback fez uso do twitter para responder indirectamente a CM Punk. Ryback disse:

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. The Big Guy has plenty to be thankful for. http://shop.wwe.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-wwe-Site/default/mSearch-Show?cgid=superstar-current-ryback … 

Mais tarde, Ryback publicou as seguintes mensagens:

the record if I quit for being fragile and insecure I would make up excuses too. Things didn't go my way for a long time and I kept

Going day in and out. Slander is a powerful thing and to state complete made up nonsense for no reason shows his insecurities. I will

Continue to bust my ass study matches every chance I get, cut promos when driving and push myself for hours on end even when hurt. Thank you

Last message on this. I will tell the truth about @CMPunk comments in due time. Not once did he ever confront me. Let's all move on. Thank u
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