
Ken Shamrock indica que merece um lugar no Hall of Fame da WWE

O antigo Intercontinental Champion Ken Shamrock deu uma entrevista ao NotInHallofFame.com e indicou que seria justo entrar no Hall of Fame da WWE:

“I don't know if I can really speak to that. I do feel that I definitely deserve to be in their Hall of Fame based on the things that I did while I was there, being able to change that sport along with other people. I feel I earned that right based on what I was able to do there in a small amount of time.

I'm not sure that I can stand here and boast about that. The fans are the ones that really tell the tale and I think they speak very loudly about where I stand in pro wrestling. I don't think that there are too many people who would tell you that I don't deserve to be there.

Obviously, a lot of times the fans aren't listened to, or their opinions are overlooked a lot. Today's promoters just push them aside and don't listen to what they want and they want fans to 'shut up, sit down and enjoy the show', because we are going to do whatever we want to do, like it or not, because you are going to come to the show.

I hear it all the time in the WWE. I hear about how fans would like to see certain wrestlers, and obviously you can't give them everything they want, but you at least have to listen to them and I believe they are being completely ignored. I've always said that I think the fans are most important that you have when it comes to the entertainment industry. They are the ones that matter most and they should be heard.”
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