
TNA anuncia lesão de Gail Kim

A TNA anunciou que Gail Kim está lesionada e estará fora dos ringues durante um período indeterminado de tempo. A lesão é um ombro deslocado sofrida no combate contra Havok esta semana. Gail Kim comentou a lesão ao dizer:

"In all my years of being in this business, I have never experienced the pure evil of someone like HAVOK. To be the target for the title, that I'm used to but to have someone try to put me out indefinitely and end my career... I have one message for HAVOK. I have overcome a lot in all these years. This will not be the end. Anyone who knows Gail Kim knows that I don't back down from anyone. ANYONE. Now you have the target on your back. You know what they say, the bigger they are, the harder they fall and I will be the one to bring you down."

A TNA anunciou que o regresso de Kim não tem data prevista mas pelo que foi gravado para o Impact Wrestling, Kim deverá regressar à TV no inicio de Novembro.
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