
Novos detalhes sobre o DVD da Attitude Era & WWE confirma DVD de Jerry Lawler

A WWE irá lançar no dia 4 de Novembro o DVD "Attitude Era Vol. 2". Eis a sinopse do DVD:

What does everybody want?

Head to the nearest man cave, give your boss a Stone Cold salute and spend the next six hours watching The Attitude Era Vol.2, the hottest set to be released since Sable’s handprint bikini. If you are old enough to order a Steve-Weiser, “Hello ladies” was your pick up line in college and you loved WWE before “Federation” became the new “F” word, then here is what you need to do. Take this all new collection, shine it up real nice, flip it sideways and stick it straight up… your DVD player!!

Oh, you didn’t know? Volume 2 includes:

• 30 unfiltered matches ranging from WWE Championship bouts to rare classics from RAW, SmackDown, Heat and much more.

• The entire once in a lifetime cast from the rebellious to the demonic, the iconic, and the just plain weird.

• Delicious Divas breaking WWE hearts and boundaries.

• Vignettes taking you inside the APA’s “office”, behind the Walls of Jericho, aboard The Godfather’s Ho’ Train and much more!

Numa nota adicional, o F4W confirmou que a WWE está a trabalhar num DVD sobre Jerry Lawler. O rumor de que a WWE poderia estar a trabalhar neste projecto já há muito era conhecido. Não se sabe quando o DVD será lançado.
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