
Lenda do wrestling falece aos 80 anos

Jerry "The King" Lawler indicou ontem que a lenda do wrestling Ox Baker (Douglas A. Baker) faleceu ontem aos 80 anos.

Durante a sua carreira, Baker conquistou vários títulos e esteve em grandes feuds com nomes notáveis como Harley Race, Bruiser Brody e Big John Studd. Terry Funk uma vez mencionou Baker como o lutador mais duro com quem esteve no ringue. Fora do ringue Baker é conhecido por batalhar Kurt Russell no filme de 1981 "Escape from New York."

A WWE lançou um comunicado sobre este falecimento e indicou:

"WWE is saddened to learn that Ox Baker, a feared villain of the ring for more than three decades, passed away Monday morning at age 80. A 6-foot-5 behemoth from Waterloo, Iowa, Baker originally competed in WWWF in the late 1960s and became one of the most intimidating forces known inside the squared circle — both due to his unique look and devastating heart punch. Over the span of an impressive career, the big man traded blows with the likes of WWE Hall of Famers Hulk Hogan, Dusty Rhodes and Harley Race.

Outside the ring, Baker also put the hurt on actor Kurt Russell as the brute played an appropriately savage warrior in the post-apocalyptic world of John Carpenter’s 1981 sci-fi classic, “Escape from New York.”

WWE extends its condolences to Baker’s colleagues, friends and family."

Outras personalidades do wrestling também deixaram a sua palavra de solidariedade:

Tazz: "Sorry to hear of the passing of the legendary Ox Baker. He "set the table" for big nasty heels w/great promo skills. Met him once, good man."

Tommy Dreamer: "Sad to hear the passing of OX Baker. A perfect looking villian w/a deep loud voice. Watch Escape from New York to see. RIP."

Eric Bischoff: "RIP Ox Baker. One of the great characters in the industry."

Matt Striker: "Was just told that Ox Baker passed away. Legitimately scared me as a kid n was a sweet, kind man to me as I got to know him later. Rest well."

Howard Finkel: "Sad to hear of the passing of Ox Baker.Met him on a few occasions; great guy.He had such a unique persona,and could deliver on the mike! RIP."
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